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  Guides and Axes of Agricultural Development 


Guides and Axes of Agricultural Development of The Province

In the direction of realization of Long-Term Goals of the country development perspective, the base theory of national development and ecological directions of the land, regarding to the province features, its development has been multidimensional and the province main missions and obligations will not be based on production and science & technology in different economical-social (agriculture, tourism , industry, top services , and modern commerce ) and the province share enhancement in the national and international interactions. Any emphasis on the above-mentioned priorities will not prevent exploitation of the province capabilities and capacities. Therefore, the main province development guidelines are as follows :

1- Quality development and agricultural output enhancement with emphasis on promoting technology, productivity, production factors, and using more modem methods of production and irrigation with supporting agriculture and horticulture substructures.

2- Promoting technological level of agricultural production and using an appropriate pattern of cultivation, with development of greenhouses, water planting and accumulated one, especially in dry regions suffering lack of water in the province.


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