Sunday, February 16, 2025
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With the presence of the governor of Isfahan, in the ninth meeting of the working group, the eleventh article of the law on the formation of the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad was reviewed.

Implementation of new irrigation, aquaculture and fisheries projects and the greenhouse town of Kameh Samiram
According to the public relations report of the Agricultural Jihad Organization of the province, this evening on the 20th of Shahrivar, in the presence of Dr. Seyed Reza Mortazavi, the governor of Isfahan, Hossein Ali Haji Deligani, a member of the Speaker's Committee and a member of the Islamic Council of the People of Shahin Shahr, Mimeh and Barkhor, Engineer Mehrdad Muradmand, the head of the Jihad Organization. . Governor's Agriculture, General Director of Crisis of the Governorate, Directors of Water and Soil and Technical Affairs, Fisheries and Aquatics, a meeting of the Working Group of Article 11 of the Law on the Establishment of the Ministry of Jihad Agriculture was held. This meeting is held monthly by the head of the governorate and the secretary of the head of the organization. Examining the issues and problems of secondary pumping in the agricultural sector for the implementation of new irrigation plans at the level of agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries of the province, as well as the issues on the agenda of this meeting. Related to the greenhouse town of Kame Semiram, which was discussed and reviewed by experts. It should be mentioned that the plan for the implementation of Kome greenhouse town on a land of 100 hectares with the allocation of 70 liters of water per second from the Marber River has been finalized and approved. 1000 hectares of national lands and 330 thousand hectares of pasture and natural forest.
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