Sunday, February 16, 2025
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A forecasting model for management of wheat Sun pest and a caring network programs

A forecasting model for management of wheat Sun pest and a caring network programs by IRIPP

According to the Public Relations office of the Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, since multiple sampling of wheat fields requires high expense and trained experts, Dr. Masood Amir Mafi, the faculty member of the Wheat Sun pest Research Department has undertaken to prepare a forecasting model based on temperature for the management of wheat Sun pest the important and key pest of wheat in line with the development of caring network programs. 

Using a forecasting model to accurately predict the time of migration of over wintering Sun pest ‎‎(mother Sun pest) from mountains to the farms and the time of the activity of the second and third instar nymphs in the field in order to announce the sampling and issuing control orders based on the level of economically damaging levels, significantly reduces visits to over wintering areas of the pest and therefore reduces the frequency of sampling of farms and the costs and saves the experts' time.

Wheat Sun pest forecasting model has been prepared as a spreadsheet program that can be used in the Sun pest rich regions to calculate the time of migration of the mother Sun pest and the time of the activity of the second and third instar nymphs when the population of these biological stages reaches to 50% of their Frequency.



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