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Increasing agricultural exchanges between Iran and Uzbekistan by establishing a joint cooperation committee

The Minister of Jihad-Agriculture of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Seyed Javad Sadati Nejad, said in a meeting with the Minister of Agriculture of Uzbekistan, Jamshid Khodjaev, emphasizing the development of agricultural exchanges between the two countries: We are interested in establishing good cooperation in the field of bilateral trade in the fields of quarantine products, dairy products and livestock and poultry. According to him, agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries are attractive areas for interaction and economic relations between the two countries.

Referring to the port of Chabahar in our country, Iran, the Minister of Jihad-Agriculture said: Uzbekistan is far from open water and we are ready to cooperate with this country in exporting agricultural products. He also added that: Iran can export citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, apples and kiwis to Uzbekistan, and import cotton from there.

 Sadati Nejad also mentioned that: Our country has good scientific, research and technological rankings in the world, such as in biotechnology, genetics, and nanotechnology.

The Minister of Jihad-Agriculture stressed the preparation and signing of a memorandum of understanding on agricultural cooperation between Iran and Uzbekistan as a document for continued cooperation in the field of agriculture. At the end, he concluded that: Iran and Uzbekistan are two Islamic countries and we hope to expand our food exchanges.

Jamshid Khodjaev, referring to Iran's successful experiences in the agricultural sector, mentioned that: Iran provides a good percentage of the world's agriculture, which is significant, and we want to benefit from these experiences.

 According to him, Iran also has good experiences in the field of water productivity and livestock. The Minister of Agriculture of Uzbekistan, while requesting a meeting with our country's officials in specialized fields such as agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and plant protection, added: Our delegation also includes agricultural traders to talk about agricultural exchanges between the two countries. He pointed out: Iran has good rankings in the fields of biotechnology, genetics, nanotechnology and agriculture, which competes with other countries.


Source: Public Relations Center of the Ministry of Jihad Agriculture

Translator: Mrs. Fatemeh Khalil Khalili






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